black and white and only sometimes read if i have free time

Feb 17, 2010 20:22

 doing the meme early because of opening night tomorrow and psych being on tonight. also I haven't eaten dinner yet.

here's the last book I read, and I recommend it if you can get your hands on it. the end was a little bit of a let down, but i laughed several times throughout and I'm trying to find the sequel. also, if you're of the slash fiction variety like my best friend  grim_lupine (who writes fabulous fanfiction, btw) you will find TONS of opportunities for fun little slash in this book (it's set at a boys boarding school and they put on the musical Oliver!- what else do you expect?)

anyway, definitely worth your time. SPUD.

also, in my life today i found out that about three of my friends have been keeping their love of fanfiction on the DL. we had about a 20 minute nerd girl chat about our favorite stuff.


that's all :)

books, memery, the world as i know it

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