Jul 03, 2005 17:43
Just got back from the Everywoman Expo at the Perth Convention Center. It was a long, exhausting, absofragginglutely glorious day. We arrived early so we could set up. I can't begin to describe what the entire day was, but there are certain segments that are very clear. One lady moved to goosebumps and tears when we danced to Carthay Rhythm. A very nice gentleman we know from Fremantle, who owns a restuarant was very pleased to see us there. He didn't recognise us in full rig.
We were filmed too. Don't know if it will be given any air time, but we did give the videographer our business card, and asked him to send screen caps to us. :)
More asking us just about everything you can think of about tribal dancing. Hundreds of pamphlets were handed out, and we had several hundred expressions of interest. We have already been booked for a party upcoming Saturday. Also, someone wants us to do a 2 day workshop! That on top of many who want to take classes.
I need a extra days in the week. Wonder where I could place the order for that?