Posting an entry to your blog shouldn't be a chore

Sep 24, 2023 20:26

For years, I have more than one (long story that, but it boils down to I have some people I keep in touch with each one) and I had been using Semagic to post to all of them by clicking on "Post entry".

But programmer stopped updating Semagic, WordPress changed their api, and blogger did something else, and Typepad also changed, so I used Windows Live Writer. Worked great, but then MS decided to not update it, and it stopped working on the three blogs mentioned above.

Then came Open Live Writer. It worked great for years, and still does, but now TypePad intermittently blocks it for 'security reasons'?

Until Typepad gets their sh*t together, it's not going to see much posting from me. (I might end up copying and pasting this to TypePad, but not gonna hold my breath as do whether or not they get their collective shit together.

blogs, security

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