My tweets

Nov 05, 2016 12:00

  • Sat, 07:22: Rudy is a lying partisan sack of fecal matter. He didn't care Bush admin used private servers. Her servers were NEVER hacked. @ hardball
  • Sat, 07:24: Rudy, what about the 5 MILLION emails Bush admin deleted? Or is it still IOKIYAR with you again? @ hardball
  • Sat, 07:24: Rudy's definition of corrupt is not doing things the way he and GOP want. @ hardball
  • Sat, 07:25: Rudy, it is cleaned up already, no matter how much you try to create a scandal out of NOTHING. @ hardball
  • Sat, 07:27: No, Rudy, she isn't under investigation, you just WISH she was. It's Anthony Weiner's computer being investigated? @ hardball
  • Sat, 07:28: Rudy is long past his use-by date. Clinton Foundation given high marks from charity watchdogs. No PLAY FOR PAY, you liar! @ hardball
  • Sat, 07:29: Rudy also sounds jealous that people offer the Clinton's speaking fees, they don't DEMAND them. @ hardball
  • Sat, 08:02: #inners @ chrislhayes @ allinwithchris how about a bit of perspective, yes?
  • Sat, 08:03: #inners But there has been voter fraud Trump warned about... By him and his supporters.
  • Sat, 08:04: #inners Kelly-Anne would say sewer sludge tastes like chocolate sauce if she was paid enough.


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