Jul 22, 2016 12:00
- Fri, 10:59: I see Trump is doing his tried and true: Blaming Ms Clinton for all the crap GW Bush/Poppy Bush/Reagan did. #inners
- Fri, 11:01: #RNCinCLE I see all the racists and bigots are having orgasms about not allowing Muslim immigrants/refugees. #inners
- Fri, 11:02: Trump should self deport, as he does encourage hate, violence, biotry etc etc. #RNCinCLE #inners
- Fri, 11:08: Managed to watch 7mins of hate/bile/lies/bigotry.Then I had to switch off Trump #RNCinCLE Need Hazmat decon shower. #inners @ chrislhayes
- Fri, 11:12: To all those who had to sit through #RNCinCLE you have my utmost sympathy. Listening to small amounts of it makes me feel soiled #inners
- Fri, 11:14: Uhh, ew. https://t.co/CofRtAQKqx