Mon, 14:03: It's so humid outside, you almost can chew the air.
Mon, 16:42: Wish people would think before making their webpages w/8pt font size. #ineedamagnifyingglass Yes, I know CRTL/Mousewheel increases font size
Mon, 18:06: Went to @ Telstra website, logged into LiveChat, got phone plan changed quicker than if I had gone into Telstra Shop.
Tue, 09:01: #edshow If General Patten was alive, and if Pres O nominated him for Sec of Def, GOP would still whine. It's a knee jerk reaction with them
Tue, 09:09: #edshow If 5 Star Gen Omar Bradley was alive and could be nominted by President Obama, the GOP would be against it
Tue, 09:17: #edshow Closing tax loopholes like off shore tax havens would increase more revenues but piss off GOP donors,so GOP wants to cut entitlement
Tue, 09:23: #edshow "Entitlements" is an accounting term, but GOP is misusing it to mean "free handouts"&they know it. Close damned loopholes already!
Tue, 09:31: #edshow GOP voted for all the spending that needs paying & now is against paying the bills they spent form? Why doesn't their heads explode?
Tue, 09:40: #edshow No civilian 'needs' an assault weapon. Full stop.
Tue, 09:42: #edshow 2nd Amendment written for ball&musket. Single shot weapons. Not weapons of mass murder.
Tue, 09:54: #edshow Considering how GOP abused filibuster past 4 yrs needs to be reformed. No more declaring filibuster then sitting on your butt.
Tue, 09:56: #edshow If objection is so righteous, then standing up and saying why you're filibustering is only right to do.