The heat almost got the better of me. Normally I like hot weather, but you typically have a gradual warm up, but no, not this time. Went from "OmigodINeedSweater" to "OmigodImsweating!".
Wing said my face was sunburned when we were there, although I was wearing a wide brimmed hat keeping my face shaded. But I looked at my hands and they were fine. I started feeling nauseous and dizzy, even though I was drinking plenty of water. it was time to go.
Came home, and took off extremely soggy clothing and got into a tepid shower. 5 minute scrub/rinse with just cool water, and I felt 100% better. Looked at my face, and the 'sunburn' was gone. Wing is such a darling... he made a wonderful refreshing drink with freshly squeezed blood oranges, mixed with lemonade soda, and a splash of cloudy apple juice. Also quite a lot of ice! So nice.
Still, I feel as if I disappointed him by not being able to stay longer. *sigh*