RWNJs claim Closed Captioning for the Hearing Impaired is Evil Obama Admin Plot

Jan 16, 2011 09:26

I'm not joking.

This what happens when Tea-hadists, and neocons are the ones that keep getting the spotlight and airtime. These are the ones running rampant, so they end up being the poster children for the Conservative Party.

Conservatives don't like it, too bad, suck it up, princesses, you brought it on yourselves by sitting back, and leaving such as these to be glowing examples of "Conservatives" by groveling and swooning over that dipshit Palin as if every word she says is gospel from on high, applauding stupidity like "2nd amendment remedies" from Angle, and other priceless gems like this to be the ones spearheading for you.

Closed Captioning during a live speech isn't a script, it's some person in a booth typing as fast as he or she can to keep up with the dialog and action. It's too bad the Tea-Tards of Sodahead can't figure that out for themselves... but then they do prefer to invent drama where there isnt' any.


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