SwanCon 2010... she iz ohvair.. almost

Apr 06, 2010 12:31

The last day of the 'official' con was crazy hectic, and had some of the best programming of the Con.

Just before the closing ceremonies, there was a technical glitch, and "SuperScott" to the rescue 1. He has nary a problem working a crowd, and if he ever decided to enter politics, the opposition wouldn't stand a chance... but I digress. Scott in a stroke of brilliant marketing, decided to hold a trivia contest with is book "Ancestor"* as the prize.

The sacrificial lamb, aka John Samuel, whose head was auctioned off (to be shaved or dyed an outrageous color) was lead to the altar, and he was shorn by Scott Sigler, amid much laughter, catcalling and photo/videoing. The auction earned over $300 of Cancer research.

Screen Cap of the video I shot

(I showed John a pic of himself afterward and he said "Oh good lord.")

The closing ceremonies was great. The committee panel and the guests looked exhausted, and considering how tired I was, I am sure their "Zombie" appearance was well earned.

From L to R: Ian Irvine, John Samuel (minus his hair), Delicious Irony, John Green, and Scott Sigler.

We made our way around, said g'bye to friends (more like a See ya later!) and wished our GOHs a happy trip, and come back again! (Will be seeing Ian Irvine at "World Con")

This was one of the cons I was a bit saddened that it was over, not relieved to go home and sleep. I did come home, unloaded backpack, sat down and checked out the photos I took, and then waves of exhaustion hit me. I crawled off to bed around 9:15, grabbed "Infected" and started reading it, and made myself put it down after 1/4 of an inch into the book, pulled the blanket over my head, and promptly fell asleep until 7am this morning.

Will go through the photos taken and post a SwanCon 2010 gallery for those who are interested.

1: Now you just know I am going to use a photo reference and make a comic/cartoon of this, or at least try to, yes?

*Do NOT start reading this unless you have plenty of time... it's that gripping! And yes, this book was released in Australia before the US. Nyah!


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