SO, along with this little ficclet, here goes my meme. Post, and Ranma will answer what he thinks of your characters not Ami because christ I'm still working on that. Or, y'know, you could request drabble? Take care, because I fail at 100-word limits, as is obvious also, this little ficclet's all over the place because it's late and I fail. So
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It was 6:30 p.m. And she was away from the living area. And the quiet was only interrupted by moaning, shifting trees, and a distant rumbling. Not that Lady cared, because it was 6:30. And she'd had a really bad day. A day so bad, so aggrivating, that she didn't even want to think about it and risk reliving the events in any possible way.
So she was off. For relief. She'd deal with the rest when she got back.
As she slipped off and laid her weapons down, she noted idly that the rumbling had gotten louder than a moment ago. But frustration fought with curiosity in her head--keep doing what she was doing, or turn and see what the fuss was all about?
Of course, camp deemed it too little, too late. She suddenly fell forward and was tasting damp, lush soil. And there was pressure on her head.
Then the pressure was gone. She looked up, sidearm cocked...and became the first person in camp to be aware that onna-Ranma was indeed a natural redhead.
"Move yer ass, Lady!"
"... The fuck is your problem?!"
"THEM," Ranma replied, now a good twenty meters from her point of impact and going strong. Lady turned and noted a dozen angry gorillas, and two-dozen walruses, all doing quite a bit to match the redhead's gait. Not that she was paying much attention afterward, because you didn't bother to guage the landspeed of 36 mammoth animals bent on...
"What did you do to them?" she asked, now keeping only 2 meters behind Ranma, who was fifteen in front of the mob of violence and mass.
"I was just takin' a bath!"
"And they just happened to be by?!"
"It's not my damn fault and those pigs ain't got no business in a hopspring anyway!"
"So you couldn't have left them the hell alone?"
"I was covered in PIE."
*BANG* came the muzzle's response, since Lady needed her breath for other things. Important things. Obviously.
"... Th'hell were YOU doing?"
"None of your damn business!" Another obvious thing, as Ranma indicated, was that Lady had forgotten to grab her britches before she started running. A shame, considering her more powerful arms were in her skirt.
"Relaxin' stroll, I bet!"
"Shut UP!"
"Watch where yer firin' that damn thing!"
Goddamnit, she didn't NEED this.
"... And what, may I ask, happened to you two?"
Simon was going over them with a critical eye. Ranma had a sprained ankle, multiple lumps, a black eye, scratches--the usual fanfare for a camp event. Lady was also in a similar position. The major difference, besides height, was that the hunter was bottomless, while Ranma was completely naked. Both wore an expression of extreme frustration.
"Perverts," Ranma grumbled.
Lady smacked him upside the head with the butt of her gun.
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