Why take interest in people that you only see being able to tolerate for a short period of time?
Particularly those who may have fundamental differences in some of their core beliefs?
I've been dwelling on that today.
I've also been mulling over something else but don't feel like talking about it right now.
I was reading
this thread in the INTJ sub-reddit and thought the post (A third of the way down? Is there a way to link to the comment directly? I'm not seeing it at a glance.) by zzzappa was quite interesting as I feel like there is evidence of the web of ideas he describes in many of my entries. A web that ties everything together. I can understand it can be difficult to follow my mind, especially when it is racing at a breakneck speed.
Especially some of the entries where I just write and write and write like I have endless energ. Those where my fingers have to work super hard to keep up with my mind as it races...those are the entries I think he is describing, where it's clear you see my mind at work, zigging and zagging every-which-way and that there is a loose connection of all the ideas as I hop about from one to the next and back again, then to left field, then back as I tie that idea in to the others...yeah.
"Why?" was my favourite question when I was a child.