I like how two thirds of my subject is suffixes.
I dislike the fact that the subject happens to be very true right now.
I tried to sleep.
I really did.
I can't.
Part of me isn't tired enough to sleep, which is frustrating because it's halfway through the three o'clock hour in the morning and all this is really going to do is upset my internal clock.
My mind, doesn't know when to stop. This isn't the first time for that either. Normally I'm able to manage to stop letting it race about thinking about all kinds of topics (and there's plenty to choose from including a bunch that are more future/story related and aren't on the current To Do list) which eventually permits my body to fall asleep.
But I wouldn't ever describe that as a quick process.
I laid there, mentally racing about (Does it remind you of the Cake song? (The Distance) of the driver who continues going 'round the course long after the race has finished?) unwilling or unable to quit and call it a day.
I have a bunch of topics I want to write about. Currently I want to expand on some of the ideas I've been considering either about the future or for the story. Some of the ideas are for both, ideas I want to write about and better flush out so that I can have them in a well-defined form by the time that I take and apply them within the story. I don't want to make it up as I go along for some of the stuff, later contradicting myself because I didn't have any notes or decided to fly by the seat of my pants.
No, I want them to be very coherent. I want them to provide a very clear picture of what could happen, or did happen, or the potential of the technology/idea/whatever is. Or even what could have happened and may happen pursuant to that. (Do we head toward a darker path but after a catalyst we turn the ship around and head in the opposite direction? Then what occurs? I could cover all of that.)
For instance this whole fallout from the Edward Snowden leaks. My mind is thinking on a scale that is so far beyond what the NSA is doing that the current news coverage is...mildly interesting to me, the larger implications and impact on the future is what really has my attention. But nobody else seems to care about that.
This is the Facebook generation (I should clarify that I mean any user of Facebook and not merely the younger generation that have grown up with it.) , people willingly give up privacy so they can stay in contact with people they don't care enough about as friends to call or email except on a "social network" where they can keep tabs on who they grew up with/went to school with but lost contact with after they graduated.
You can't/won't call these people but you're okay telling them all about your life in more of an unfiltered (it's either share with all your "friends" or none of them) manner? Why not just make everything completely public? If you go that far, what difference would it make who was spying on you?
As a result of the general cultural mindset of the Facebook generation I have my doubts that they will be the ones to revolt. I can imagine it getting worse (i.e. more spying/tracking/intense analytics (to the point they can identify you)) before it gets better.
But what will bring about the changes? What will they look like? How will they impact our lives?
The other night I was watching the remake/reboot of Total Recall and watching the robotic police units I had a new realization about...the future. (What else do I think about these days?) Just another thing to add to my very many ideas about the future and how it might appear.
I'm in one of those moods, if you could properly describe it with a word often used to describe emotions when it is in fact not an actual emotion. I'm...in...a fury? There is a fury of keys being struck as if my fingers were rampaging along the keyboard, perhaps it is a finger twister, a hurricane of heated and hurried hypothesises to hammer home. (Go alliteration!)
Seriously, you should see my phone. The ideas....
While attempting to sleep (sigh, while my body wishes I had been able to achieve success) perhaps it is better than I am here hammering away at ideas shaping them to become beautiful works of art or tragic masterpieces to serve as cautionary tales against the dangers of mismanaged decisions determined in a delicate day and age.
What you do/decide now will ultimately shape what happens to humans here in the uniquely undecided utopian or un-utopian universe unfolding before us.
With all of the news I go through...the future could be a pretty scary place.
I don't want it to be.
I want it to be safe and a good place for all of humanity to exist. I want it to be exciting for all of the right reasons and none of the wrong ones.
I realize that some of the things I picture as possible provided the present provide potential to pervert into pretty pessimistic portraits of preventable potential outcomes. Like Smokey the Bear says, "You too can prevent forest fires." Provided enough awareness of what could happen and you can help prevent it from being a realized reality.
Will you do your part to be a party protecting a positive possible future?
I feel like science-fiction writers can be an example of a single person who can make a world (literally even) of difference.
The next time someone tells you that one person can't make a different you can use that to tell them they are wrong.
I really, really, really want someone I can speak to about the future without having to restrain myself. Honestly, I'd really like someone who I could talk to about all my crazy ideas (Honestly I recognize that they aren't truly crazy but that many people would find them either unconventional or even uncomfortable subject(s) for conversation.) earnestly and endlessly in an engaged manner with. Whether it's about what might sound like far-fetched almost fairy-tale like ways of powering space ships to what the future might look like.
I feel very...strongly about this, passionate you might say (I don't know if I'd agree with the specific use of the word passionate as I'm pretty concerned about whether things actually turn out well for us, as individuals and as a whole as a collective race and am concerned about things turning out very darkly. Well, I guess you could say I am passionate about protecting and providing a very positive future.) and want someone I can share that with.
I feel...like I have a lot of bleak views on what might turn out provided our present path.
I...dislike that. I don't want to be negative, I don't think it's healthy but I think it is better to point out what could happen, what could go wrong instead of being the guy that says, "Hey, I saw that coming. I could have told you so," but didn't speak up until after it was too late. What good is being That Guy? In this case That Guy is an inconsiderate a#*$&@% who could have saved the world by simply giving voice to what he saw as the possible outcome. How difficult is it to speak up and say, "Hey, there's a possible downside here you might want to consider..."
The beauty of storytelling is that it's not real. Not yet. You don't sound like the Crazy Guy on the street corner who is telling everyone that the world will end on some arbitrary date that was selected at random. (They picked it randomly while blindfolded from among one of several calendars laid out before them?)
Or you could be the Internet-version of Crazy Guy blogging about all of the terrible things you could see happening in the future who only the paranoid or conspiracy theorists believe. Who does that really help? Would you prefer that the conspiracy theorists are the "I told you so" guys?
We should be able to prevent the whole mess in the first place.
That's part of what fiction writers do best, provide cautionary tales of what could be given a specific set of circumstances.
I feel like I'm starting to parade around a pathetic pithy of pessimistic points.
In fact I want to see a better, brighter, more beneficial and bearable future (Is there really no good synonym for future that starts with "b"? I can't believe the English language is ruining my flow.) for the betterment of benevolent beings everywhere.
I think...when I stop this entry I'm going to start expanding the five (plus?) pages of story ideas I have and I suspect I will have a fair number of new word documents laying about with details before I am able to allow myself to sleep. I feel more awake now than I did before. (Sigh.)
Of course being the hour that it is I am the only one awake that I know. All other people within the United States (possibly excepting Hawaii) are in bed. I would say it is late everywhere but, dear reader, we both know that's a blatant lie.
On another subject entirely: You are up against the zombie apocalypse, who do you pick for your allies?
You must build an army and there are no rules as to who or what you can have fighting at your side. (Okay, so maybe picking a time lord for your ally might almost be a bit like cheating unless something happens that prevents him from using his little blue box.)
Do you pick werewolves, dragons, aliens, a robot army, a pack of rabid cannibalistic zombie dogs, or some other option altogether or all of the above? Do you pick Arnold Schwarzenegger and a choppa? (You don't want him to be distracted and looking for the chopper do you?)
Think about it and comment or comment with an answer without thinking about it. Either works for me.