Fanfiction Masterlist

Jan 25, 2030 22:51


Dreams and Realities

Genre: Humour / Romance / Slight Angst
Rating: PG15 (T)
Summary: Watanuki was used to dreaming about strange things. He was even used to dreaming about strange people. What he was not used to, was dreaming about him in that way... and pulling that dream into reality.

Chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four

The Words that Matter

Genre: Romance
Rating: R (M) to NC17 (MA)
Summary: Tonight, you aren't listening to the words that escape his lips, which have so often confused and infuriated you in the past. Tonight, the only words you can listen to are the ones spoken by your bodies entwined, by his skin against yours and by your heart beating alongside his.



A Taste of Normality

Genre: Humour / Romance
Rating: PG 13 (T)
Summary: For some people, “normality” is something that is ever-present and meant to be avoided at all costs. For Doumeki and Watanuki, it’s a rare treat to be enjoyed whenever it comes by.

An Octopus-shaped Revenge

Genre: Humour / Slight Romance (if you squint)
Rating: G (K)
Summary: Watanuki, just like many before him, had his ways of exacting revenge upon his enemies for their insolence. Unfortunately, they didn’t always have the effect he was aiming for.

Insanity as a Selling Point

Genre: Humour / Parody
Rating: PG-13 (T)
Summary: Sometimes, we need to laugh at the things we love. Other times, we need to make ruthless and merciless fun of them, making no allowances and giving them no respite. This time, it's the latter.

The Woollen Monstrosity

Genre: Humour / Romance
Rating: G (K)
Summary: It was ugly. It was itchy. It was deformed. It clashed horribly with the rest of his clothes. But for some unfathomable reason Watanuki couldn't begin to guess at, Doumeki loved that sweater.

Her Love and her Beloved

Genre: Family, Light Angst
Rating: G (K)
Summary: Doumeki Haruka finds an abandoned kitten and gives it to his bedridden grandson to keep him company through his illness. This is her story.


April Fool (drabble)

Genre: Gen / Humour
Rating: G (K)
Summary: There was a reason Watanuki hated April Fool's Day...

Gluttony (drabble)

Genre: Humour
Rating: G (K)
Summary: Doumeki had a very special kind of gluttony...

Cold Hands (drabble)

Genre: Humour / Romance (sort of)
Rating: Pg-13 (T)
Summary: Sometimes, having cold hands was a disadvantage.

Senbei (drabble)

Genre: Humour
Rating: G (K)
Summary: Doumeki can cook, too.

Rain (drabble)

Genre: Angst / Romance
Rating: PG-13 (T)
Summary. Watanuki doesn’t like rain.

Intervention (ficlet)

Genre: Humour
Rating: PG? PG13? Somewhere along that, I think.
Summary: Doumeki wasn’t sure how he felt about the changes that had befallen Watanuki.

RG Veda:

I’ll be Waiting

Genre: Romance
Rating: PG13 (T)
Summary: While Ashura sleeps, Yasha reflects on everything that happened between the two of them.

One Piece:

Love at First Binge (drabble)

Genre: Humour, Romance (sort of)
Rating: C for crack
Summary: What if Jewerly Bonney and Monkey D. Luffy were to meet?

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