On fairly priced veggies and guilt-inducing cats.

Jan 13, 2009 11:32

So I went to the fair today. There's this weekly fair held conveniently close to my home that sells very fresh -and fairly priced- fruits and vegetables. If you stick to the stuff that's in season, you are guaranteed to get a great deal for your money and very yummy meals for the rest of the week. I usually go right before closing time, when you don't have much to choose from, but you usually get even better prices... they are in such a hurry to sell the last veggies that they usually give you more for the regular price.
Today, however, I decide to try something different and went early, right after they set up. That means having to pay full price, but getting first pick of the day... and boy, was it worth it. I got incredible tomatoes, (the kind that really taste like tomatoes!) mouth-watering pears, watermelon to die for, and ridiculously cheap turnips that look as if they'd been picked from the field this morning.
I'm not a vegan (I made sure to visit the chicken, egg and fish stands on my way back), but boy, do I love my fruit and veggies *huggles turnips*
I may have gone a bit overboard (I now have enough to eat for a week and a half, at least), but it's so nice to have a full fridge, for once... granted, mine is a pretty small fridge, but still. ;D
The only thing is, my cat was able to sniff the fish before I could put it away, so now she is looking at me mournfully and meowing pitifully, as if I was starving her... despite the fact that she has a full bowl of cat food waiting for her. Sheesh.

cat, veggies

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