Proud pet owner time!

Jan 07, 2009 22:47

Heeey! So I was testing my new digital camera the other day, and who best to use as subject than my ever-so-patient cat?
Here she is doing a trick that I taught her. She stands on her hind legs and begs!
You wouldn't believe how long it took me to get her to learn that trick. ^^U

image Click to view

In case it doesn't work, the link to youtube is here

cat, animals, video

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anyjen January 9 2009, 09:00:13 UTC
Isn't she? :3

I decided to try and teach her that trick when I noticed that she would often stand on her hind legs when she was playing, as a kitten. I'd never tried to teach a trick to a cat before, so it took a lot of trial-and-error... but now I'm one of the few kitty owners I know that has a kitty who can do a trick. :3
People over here seem to believe that cats can't learn tricks... well, I've proved them wrong. ^^
Though now I wish I'd taught her more tricks than just that one. XD

True, it's hard (but not impossible) to make a dog+cat combination work. Cats are more independent than dogs and considerably cheaper to keep, but they still need attention and care. My kitty is adorable, but she has a couple of issues which I'm not very happy about... like the pretty-clothes-munching one, for example. -_-
Plus she was mistreated by her previous owner, so she's very shy. She doesn't like people much, and it's very rare that she takes to someone she's just met. That makes it hard to find someone to take care of her when I'm away, I'll tell you. ^^U


popkin16 January 10 2009, 08:18:34 UTC
Yep! XD

I think you're cat is the only cat I'm aware of that can do a trick. I know cats can learn, but I also know it's more difficult to teach them than it is a dog (cats = stubborn, I suppose). Is it too late to teach her more tricks?

I like dogs better, though. I'm not sure I'm really suited to cats; we'd clash too much. Aww, poor kitty! Lucky she has a nice owner now! There's this extremely heartbreaking commercial's an ASPCA commercial? It has this sad music playing and all these injured animals in a shelter, and it's asking for donations. It makes me want to get a farm and fill it with animals.


anyjen January 10 2009, 10:17:57 UTC
Check youtube: there are plenty of cats able to do tricks, and apparently the one I taught my kitty is one of the most common. ^^U
There is a video of a cat that was able to do several dog tricks... including "shake", "high five", "roll over" and "jump over". Either that is a really smart cat, or a very good trainer. O_o
and here it is:

Yeah, cats are stubborn. XD
They're every bit as smart as dogs, but without the inherent desire to please you; it takes a lot of patience, perseverace and love (plus a generous amount of brives) to get a cat to learn a trick. Mine will always try to get out of doing her trick... she pointedly looks away from my hand when I signal her to stand, and offers her ears for a scratch, or rubs her whole body in the hand that is holding the treat... and she never rubs her body against me unless she's trying to get something out of it (Like when I'm opening a tuna can, for example. She doesn't eat meat, but she certainly enjoys her tuna). :P
The worst is, she acts so cutely that it gets hard not to give in and simply let her enjoy her treat. ^^U
I'm not sure if it's too late to teach her anymore tricks, but it certainly feels that way. She's three years old and a long way off from that adorable kitten that would strive for my attention. Now she has the independent air of an adult, and she learned that the world won't stop if she disobeys me... hence the clothes-munching, among other things. :P

I like dogs, but I love cats... which is funny, because for some unfathomable reason dogs adore me, while cats don't like me much. There are very few dogs that won't like me immediately, or eventually. One of my friends had this really mean dog... it would bark and growl at absolutely anybody that got near the house. She didn't have a doorbell, but she didn't need one... the dog would make sure everybody in the house (and the neighbourhood) knew there was somebody at the gate with his very loud barking.
The first time I went to her house, however, the dog took one look at me, and immediately started wagging his tail and begging for a petting. No matter what I did, he would simply refuse to bark at me. I had to stand outside the house for twenty minutes, clapping my hands and shouting before somebody noticed me and came to open the gate. Stupid dog jumped on me (with his very muddy paws) as soon as I crossed the gate, and insisted that he wanted to lick my face, despite the fact that I had spent twenty minutes insulting his entire geneology and making the most threatening gestures I could think of, to try to get him to bark. My friend couldn't believe it; that dog had practically tried to eat the previous visitor, and they'd had to physically restrain it so the terrorized guy could escape. :P

My cat loves me now, but I have her since she was a kitten, and kittens are usually more trusting than fully-grown cats. She still had to learn to ignore my quirks and not hide under the sofa every time I laughed, though. ^^U


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