Ten days until my birthday! ...and a meme. :3

Dec 18, 2008 14:01

1. If you could be any fandom character, who would you be and why?
Tough question... I guess I would want to be Kobato. She's not the brightest and doesn't understand much of what is going on around her, but she tries hard at whatever she does and she eventually manages to reach people with her earnestness. Plus she doesn't seem to need much to be happy... which is a great ability, if you think about it.
...in reality, though, I would be Nodame, of Nodame Cantabile: selfish, messy, lazy, embarrassing about the people she likes, and wasting her time in anime and manga when she should be studying. ^^UUU

2. What other genres besides yaoi do you enjoy?
3. Heck, yaoi may not even be your favourite! List me your top three and your reasons!
(I'm answering these together because they're related)
Well, I don't exactly consider yaoi a genre, more like a certain feature I enjoy in fics, regardless of genre. I can read and love a gen or het fic too, and in fact there are certain characters that simply find "unslashable" (like Ed from FMA or Chopper from One Piece).
If we are talking genre, I enjoy romantic, humorous stories the best... but I also love a good piece of angst... hopefully with a happy ending. I love stories where the characters struggle, suffer, but eventually reach a resolution to their problems... or the hope of it.
So, there you go. My three favourites: Romance, Humour, and Angst. If I can find a story that effectively combines all three... gosh, it becomes an instant favourite.

4. What genre do you wish people would write more of?
Good humour. We could all use a good laugh to begin/end our day. I emphasize the "good" part of it because, while I may enjoy the occasional piece of crack, a piece of humour that has been developed properly is much more enjoyable, in my opinion. Just because it's humorous doesn't mean that it can't have a plot... or good grammar.

5. What do you look for in a good story?
What do I not look for? I'm rather picky. :P
Mostly good plot, good characterization (if you are going to borrow someone else's characters, the least you can do is portray them as close to the original as possible), originality (clichés make me shudder), interesting prose, and if you can make me laugh and/or cry with your stories, I'm yours forever.


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