My Cat is Weird

May 05, 2011 04:11

Dido, my lovely yet odd cat, has a thing about smells. Most cats do, but mine has something of an obsession with them. How so? I'll try to explain.

She knows me. She knows me well. She knows it's me coming in the door from the moment I open the apartment building's front door (I've got reliable proof of this).

And yet, she won't let me pet her until she's confirmed it's me, by sniffing my fingers. If she approves, she will then present me with the back of her head, demanding a scratch. If she doesn't approve, she will back away, glare firmly in place.

The same thing happens with anybody that happens to cross my door, no matter how well-known or loved (by Dido, that is). Woe betide the fool who tries to pet her without letting her sniff them first.

It isn't clear just what she looks for when she does this sniffing inspection. I used to think I knew what it was, but just now, I witnessed her sniff my cup of tea and then proceed to grant the cup permission to pet her.

I actually had to pick up the cup and lightly scratch her behind the ears with it or she wouldn't leave my lap. :P

Like I said, my cat is weird.


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