Drabble time! (and making use of bragging rights)

Nov 25, 2008 11:38

Well, I was checking Dr Wicked's writing lab, and I thought it would be a great chance to attempt writing my first drabble since, you know, I'm both a long-winded and a slow writer. The shortest thing I'd managed to write to date was more than 800 words long.
And I succeeded! This isn't the best thing I've written in my life (far from it) but at least I didn't take as long as usual to write it.
Completely unbeta'ed and barely edited, but what the heck. Maybe I shouldn't be so picky about the stuff I post?



Title: The Lesser of Two Evils
Word count: 305

There were times when Watanuki wondered whether it wouldn't actually be easier to just learn to live as somebody with "tasty treat for spirits" written on his back than trying to get rid of said caption on his back.

After all, having to make a desperate dash for his life or having to endure the weight of a particularly annoying glob of slimy ayakashi on his shoulders might not be so unpleasant compared to some of the things Yuuko put him through with the incentive of "reducing his debt".

And oh, but he didn't need to do it all by himself, of course! He could have help! Here, just let me call the Doumeki temple...

Help, hah fucking hah! True, Doumeki did keep the spirits at a comfortable distance... most of the time. But the price for that sometimes seemed not worth it.

That was what Watanuki was thinking as he, once again, was forced to endure the humiliation of having his scrawny ass saved by the ever-annoying and incredibly obnoxious youngest member of the Doumeki family... and receiving an incredibly implausible food request as a result. Didn't the bastard know that it isn’t really that easy to find eggplants for eggplant miso soup in the middle of the summer?

Why oh why couldn't he simply be eaten and be done with it already? Oh, no. He had to go shop for goodness knows what stupid thing the idiot Kyuudo practitioner had requested this time, and slave away on his kitchen to prepare it in insane amounts. Insane amounts which Doumeki almost invariably ate all by himself, regardless of whether or not that had been their intended purpose. Keep it that way, and the guy would be weighing a solid twenty stone by the time he reached twenty. At least that was a heart-warming thought.

Glossary and cultural notes:

Ayakashi: ghosts, evil spirits... that kind of stuff
Miso: Traditional Japanese food made of fermenting rice, barley and/or soy beans. Miso soup is made of paste of miso, fish and vegetables and it is traditional to have it at breakfast.
Kyuudo: Japanese longbow archery
Twenty stone: 127 kg, roughly 280 lb

Wonder if this is worth posting at a community? :P

fic, drabble, xxxholic, watanuki

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