One of the reasons people think I'm weird

Nov 23, 2008 01:26

Today I watched a generously-sized spider wrap a fly and drag it carefully to her den under the roof light. She was incredibly graceful, and it was no easy task what she had to do, since the entrance to her den was barely big enough for her to crawl past, never mind her plus juicy morsel of food.
Why did I spend two full minutes staring at a spider instead of doing the normal thing and squishing the freeloader with a slipper?
Well, it's just that she wasn't a freeloader, and I would be a very ungrateful landlady if I did squish her.
For, you see, I discovered that spider webs not only trap flies, but also mosquitoes... and I'm terribly allergic to those flying blood-sucking monsters (while I've never been bitten by a spider). Not lethally allergic (thank goodness) but every mosquito bite means considerable swelling of the bitten area, and I'm not fond of the itching, either.
As long as they keep catching and eating mosquitoes, they will have a place in my flat, no matter what my mom says when she visits and sees the spider webs on the roof and the nooks and corners of my living place. I'm not being lazy by not removing them... I'm being grateful.
Besides, it's not as if their webs are big enough to be unsightly... and if anything else, they provide good entertainment, as proven earlier today.

rant, spiders, animals

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