Pictures, pictures, pictures

Dec 12, 2009 20:47

Because I promised pictures, and I've finally managed to get my camera to work. This one is going to be about my pets; knitting stuff next. :)

First, my mice, because they haven't got much screen time lately:

Baby mice! The cream-coloured one is Mimosa, who joined Brandy, Sherry and Vodka in the ranks of the Victims of My Weird Sense of Humour a.k.a. Naming Sense of Doom.

These are Vodka's babies; I think I told this story once, but a while back I got a cream-coloured boy mouse to occupy what would have been Brandy's bachelor cage (which since he never showed any interest in the females around him ended up empty). I made the mistake of placing this cage with this mouse (who was called Eggnog following my tradition of naming mice after drinks) on top of the cage with the girls (and Brandy). As it turns out, Vodka discovered the way to climb up to his cage using the water bottle as a ladder, and by the time I realized she was sneaking in through the bars to pay him visits, she was pregnant already. Eggnog went on to a new home, I kept one of his daugthers, named her Mimosa and found happy new homes for the rest of her siblings (No more baby mice! They're adorable but it's a lot of work to get them used to humans and to find them homes afterwards...)

From left to right: Sherry, Michelle and Cathy. Unfortunately, Cathy and Michelle have passed away. They were already rather old when I got them, and a couple of months ago they got cancer and had to be euthanised. :(

And now for the kitty pictures!

Dido, in one of her outrageous sleeping poses.

Dido, being a total slob. She was suffering from the heat, and when she does she adopts the funniest-looking lounging poses. XD

Another picture of Dido being a slob... un which you can see where she gets it. Those are indeed my clothes on the sofa... but she was the one to make a mess of the sofa cover and cushions! ^^U

Dido, just staring at me and looking cute. It's an art form for cats. :D

Dido, showing off her new collar.

Dido, caught mid-stretch.

Getting comfortable.

Using one of my dictionaries as a pillow.

And again. :P

And finally, chewing my hand. She seems to believe it's a sign of affection. -_-U

Well, that's about it. Next, knitting stuff! ^__^

cat, pictures, mice

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