[xxxholic drabble] Intervention

Oct 04, 2009 13:17

Drabble: Intervention

Rating: Uh, PG? PG13? Somewhere along that, I think.

Pairing: Doumeki --> Watanuki

Words: 456 (is this still a drabble with this word count? :P)

Notes: Because I had to write something cheerful after the last few chapters if I didn’t want to get depressed... and because eucharis42 on deviantart promised me a picture of (and I quote) 'Meki and 'Nuki with some finger-licking action going down’. After that, how could I not gift her with a drabble? *___*

Beware of spoilers for the latest chapters (mostly 185 & 186). Betaed by the simply awesome beboots  and Product Of A Sick Society.

Doumeki wasn’t sure how he felt about the changes that had befallen Watanuki. He wasn’t sure he was allowed to feel anything about them, since they were changes brought on by choices Watanuki had had the right to make.

Watanuki seemed determined to live the life Yuuko had left behind, and Doumeki thought he could be fine with it just as long as he was, you know, living.

He’d probably miss the flailing and the screaming and the abuse -and what did that say about him, really?- but as long as Watanuki was alive and walking his own path, he’d make sure to be by his side. Doumeki was now one of his remaining links to the outside, to a normal life, and he had few enough of those left as it was. Doumeki didn’t think he had the right to deprive Watanuki of such a connection just because he wasn’t entirely comfortable with a Watanuki that lounged around like a contented cat, smoking and half-naked even in winter.

Not that he was complaining about the half-naked bit. It was mostly the tobacco smell that threw him off, because it reminded him of his grandfather, and, well, no matter how much he’d loved his grandfather, that wasn’t a mental image he wanted to have next to a half-naked Watanuki.

However, for all Watanuki seemed intent on doing everything Yuuko once did -up to and including wearing her clothes- there was one thing that he didn’t do, and Doumeki had his nagging suspicions why.

Watanuki didn’t try to drink himself stupid. He actually never even touched Yuuko’s impressive stash of alcoholic goodies, leaving the task of making a dent in it to Doumeki and Mokona.

And Mokona, being Mokona, wasn’t happy about having to drink alone most of the time, because, much as he wanted to, Doumeki couldn’t very well spend all his free time in Yuuko’s -Watanuki’s- shop. He was a university student, after all, and he also had his obligations as temple heir to mind.

He suspected that was why he’d once stepped into the shop to suspiciously giggling twins and a sight that would haunt him during many a lonely night: Watanuki in a state of undress Yuuko would have been proud of, a lovely flush in his cheeks and spreading down his neck, laughing madly, twirling drunkedly around the place, singing off-pitch to the top of his lungs and hugging everything in a ten-meter radius to keep himself from toppling down... including, as it happens, university students who had just walked in through the door.

Doumeki never knew what exactly Mokona had done to get Watanuki to join him in a drinking frenzy but he, for one, rather hoped he’d do it again.

Expect more drabbles starting tomorrow. Should I post them one by one, or in groups of three, I wonder...?

drabble, xxxholic, watanuki, doumeki

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