Fandom meme!

Oct 14, 2008 03:23

Stolen from popkin16 , who insisted I do it properly, since I requested a fandom of her. XD

Name a fandom and I'll tell you:

1. The first character I fell in love with
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t
4. The character I love that everyone else hates
5. The character I would shag ( Read more... )

meme, xxxholic, one piece

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anyjen October 14 2008, 17:38:29 UTC
12. What are your five least favourite things about your fandom?

...weird character designs (I'm still trying to get over that mole woman back in Alabasta), weirder yet attack patterns, not enough Ace, not enough Shanks, the fact that Paulie didn't become a crew member. >_<

13. Who are your five favourite characters?

(in no particular order)
Brook, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Paulie.

14. Who are your five least favourite characters?

Eneru, Spandam, mole woman in Alabasta (can't remember her name and can't be bothered to go back and check. :P),
cp9 (all of them), that Foxy guy back in the Davy Back Fight.

15. What are your five favourite pairings?

Zoro/Sanji (or Sanji/Zoro; like I said, I'm not picky), Zoro/Luffy, Nami/Luffy, Robin/Franky, Kaya/Ussopp. They're just about the cutest couple in the series (gasp! I can like het, too!).
If given another choice, it would be Ace/Smoker, because they make sense, even if they barely see each other in canon. XD

16. What are your five least favourite pairings?

Chopper/anybody (except perhaps for Chopper/Zoro if kept only in the fluff and cute. He's a kid, it feels wrong to think of him in a sexual situation, even if his human form is adult-sized. >_<), Lucci/Paulie (come on, guys! Paulie deserves better!), Ace/Luffy (they look hot together, but they're BROTHERS! >_<), Nami/Robin, like I said, random obscure guy/girl number one/random obscure guy/girl number two. I hate it when I can't even tell who they are talking about. :P

17. Which character are you most like?

Guh. Tough one. Gah. I guess I'd have to say Sanji. I can get pretty embarassing about the people I like. >_<

18. What is your deep, dark fandom secret?

uh, sometimes I don't like Sanji much, when he's at his wiggly, snivelly, "Mellorine!!", heart-eyed worst (we usually don't like it when characters are like a parody of ourselves XD). But that's only occasionally, most of the time I love him anyway. ^^UU


popkin16 October 15 2008, 03:10:43 UTC
12. I'm particularily worried about Ace's future. HE CAN'T DIE D:

15. Mm, Smoker/Zoro is hot too. I don't actually read much het >_> Though I don't mind Robin/Franky or Nami/Luffy as a side pairing. Are there very many het fics for OP?

16. YES. Robin/Chopper is surprisingly popular, and...ew.

17. Um. MELLORINE! *is shot*

18. I don't like how Sanji won't fight a woman. While noble and I suppose gentlemenly, it could put his nakama in serious danger.


anyjen October 15 2008, 04:40:01 UTC
12- Don't worry, he won't.

15- I'm not really sure. I was answering what I consider a pairing that I would like to read/write in general, not thinking about any that I'd actually read... When it comes to reading, I go straight for teh ghei (no pun intended). XD

18- Right you are. I much more like Zoro's attitude: "Gender what?". It's like he can't even tell women are different from men. XD
...maybe he never got the 'Bees and the Flowers' talk? :P


popkin16 October 16 2008, 03:01:14 UTC
12. I sure hope so. Oda isn't in the habit of killing characters, and Ace is really popular, so...perhaps not XD

15. LOL It was a nice pun, intended or not. But yes, I agree. Though I've read (and enjoyed) het side-pairings.

18. Of course not, when his greatest rival was a girl. ;SK;KA IF HE NEVER GOT THAT TALK...AHHAHAHAHA. That's another thing I'm goin to request on the OP-fanforall: the crew finding out Zoro never got "The Talk". Though you'd think his sensei wouldn't neglect that part of his education.


anyjen October 16 2008, 10:32:57 UTC
12- Most of his deaths happen in the background stories. If we had been in the middle of a flashback, then I would be worried. As it is... He'll live, and everyone will be much stronger as a result. :)

18- Maybe his sensei thought he knew already? Or he thought it wouldn't be necessary, considering he spends all of his free time either sleeping or training... and there weren't any women around in the dojo since Kuina.
...or maybe thought he would learn it in the fly, as most men used to. ^^U
...though not all of them. Did you know that Marie Antoinette slept for seven years in the same bed as her husband without anything happening, simply because the young Dauphin of France didn't know what he was supposed to do? ^^U


popkin16 October 21 2008, 02:48:21 UTC
12. That's very reassuring, and you're absolutely right! I have a lot of hope for Ace, now. But I can't wait for him to be saved!

18. Mm, that's possible. O.O Seven years? In light of that, it's very possible that Zoro just doesn't know. It was never an issue, and never came up, and somehow it just passed him by. *Nod*


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