I was checking
ficcentricity 's journal when I came across a link to a webpage that seriously left me reeling...
It was a website showing pictures of
an honest-to-god pink Gundam... (the link is quite work-safe, despite the url) and my mind broke a little when I tried to picture tough guys like Heero or Wufei (or your Gundam male character of choice) fighting in that... come on, try it to picture it and not break out in unstoppable giggling, I dare ya...
On the other hand, that seemed like a nice mecha for Sakura (the CCS incarnation) to ride, if she'd been a Gundam character. It sounds like the kind of Gundam Tomoyo may design. XD (Though I'm starting to think it may be too girly even for her)
Art knows no bounds. I honestly didn't know people were using rice paddies for their art... or that they were so good at it! :3
And this!
A life-size Gundam statue unveiled in Tokyo for the thirty-year Gundam aniversary. Looking at that thing I finally realize why they inspired so much terror... that thing is huge! And if you picture it moving... *____*