Chatterboxing counter!!

Apr 15, 2009 18:11

Comment counter thingy shamelessly stolen from moe81 :

Who comments the most on this journal? )


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popkin16 April 16 2009, 01:53:34 UTC


anyjen April 16 2009, 13:33:16 UTC
Hey! do you hear me complaining? If there's something that I can depend on when I post, is that you'll invariably be one of the first to comment. So don't you ever apologise to me for commenting too much!! *nooggie*


popkin16 April 16 2009, 21:45:11 UTC


I was just thinking about how I sort of miss talking to you. It feels like it's been a really long time (though it's only been like a week).


anyjen April 17 2009, 01:28:53 UTC
Well, sometimes you deserve them! *adds more spin to the nuckles for that extra annoying twist*

We do talk a lot, don't we? XD

Well, I check my flist often, but you haven't been posting much, and I'm not much of a regular poster myself, so our chatting time has been limited...

soooo... what's new with your life? I got a haircut today, because I was getting fed up of my long hair, but I might have told the hairdresser to cut too much, because now I have hair all over my face and it's getting kind of annoying. :P


popkin16 April 17 2009, 02:22:09 UTC
Ah haha, yeah. I probably do deserve them! *covers head and whimpers*

XD We do, but it's great!

Hm. I do normally post at least once a week -- but I should have two updates soon -- that one drabble you beta'd for me, as well as a "General" update, in which I whine >_>

Oh, how short is your haircut?! What's it look like? Me, I've been swamped with homework :( It's the end of the semester, so it's cram time.


anyjen April 17 2009, 02:34:00 UTC
Feel free to whine all you like. I'm not one to judge, being a master whiner myself. XD

Shoulder-length, wavy... though it's somewhat scraggly now, what with the new haircut, and all. It used to be really long, down to the middle of my back, or more... I'm a bit of an extremist when I want to be. ^^U

Oh, right, you told me about it. Well, then hit those books hard!! make them beg for mercy!! (though I suspect who'll be begging for mercy soon will be you. :P)


popkin16 April 17 2009, 03:05:33 UTC
^_____________^ Thank you! I always feel bad, complaining to friends. Who wants to hear someone whine all the time?

Cool~ It sounds really nice. :O Down to the middle of your back?! So much hair to take care of *___* Sounds really pretty though. What color is your hair?

Yeah T_T I'd like to think that I could make them beg for mercy, but you're right -- I'll end up begging. I took too much on this semester, and I'm all burnt out. It's a struggling to even finish homework....


anyjen April 17 2009, 03:23:38 UTC
Well, but sometimes you just need to vent. What's the point of keeping a journal (even one that's read by other people) if you can't do that?
Of course, if you whined all the time then I might get a bit tired, but as it is, you've earned yourself some whining time. Spend it wisely! ;)

Yeah, well, when you have really long hair, sometimes you feel like taking care of it, and sometimes you just feel like chopping it all off... I went with the "chopping it off" option this time, though I suspect I'm going to regret it once the days turn cold... long hair does keep you marginally warmer. ^^U
It's fair; not really blond, but not brown, either.
What about yours?

Tough it out! It's going to be worth it once it's done and you realize how much you've advanced.


popkin16 April 17 2009, 03:32:21 UTC
*nod* That's also very true. It's not healthy to keep it all in. I just don't want to bother people -- I'm very insecure, so I'm always worried I'm bothering everyone. THANK YOU! I shall spend it with my next post, then! I hope I don't go over my allowed limit~

I had hair down to my waist when I was little. I don't really remember, but apparently I'd sit on it whenever I attempted to sit down. I imagine it takes a lot to take care of it -- lots of shampoo & condition, especially if you have thick hair as well as long. YES, thankfully! Winter up here would be impossible to get through without long hair. Your hair sounds so pretty *____*
Um, my hairs thick, wavy, and red. Actually, auburn (red-brown), but when the sunlight hits it, it's more of a copper color. =.=

Keeping that in mind! Must...not give in....*glomp* Thanks for the encouragement!


anyjen April 17 2009, 03:59:52 UTC
It does take a lot. I used to have it down to my waist when I was a teenager, and I remember that I had to gather it in a fist when I went to the toilet, or when I was outside (it was very windy where I grew up), and I had to be careful every time I turned because more often than not, I'd whip somebody in the face with it. It was quite fun (for me), but my friends eventually created the CEC (Cortate Esas Crenchas.... which translates to something like Cut Off That Mane, or something like that), so one day I surprised everyone by showing up with shoulder-length hair... kind of like now, really, only I didn't warn anybody back then. The CEC members were ecstatic, if somewhat shocked by their own success. XD ( ... )


popkin16 April 17 2009, 05:31:37 UTC
Sounds annoying, to me. LOL I've been hit in the face with hair, before. It can hurt! LOL They actually started a club for your hair XDD Their plan worked~ Doesn't having shorter hair feel better, though? There's not so much pressure on your head. I don't know about you, but I get headaches if my hair gets too long.

LUCKY. Thin hair *_____* Really, you can't do any of that?

It's a very pretty color, but I hate the hair itself. It's very frizzy, and no matter what I do with it, it looks like I rolled out of bed and forgot to brush it. So if I ever post a picture of myself, my hair will be like POOF. Oh, really? Red-heads aren't really common anywhere that I've been, though they're not exactly rare in the U.S.

:) I'd gladly give you encouragement -- probably more than you want, lol. A MONTH? Good luck. I hate getting up in front of people, so I have great respect for teachers -- and that includes you :) You can do it, just remember that you have the authority and they don't. *evil laugh*


anyjen April 17 2009, 13:23:35 UTC
Yeah, and their club activities consisted mainly in telling me the phrase that gave them name... they were dedicated to their cause, so when they finally succeeded they were a bit disoriented for a while (seriously, they were just simply fed up of having my hair everywhere. They never wanted to sit behind me in class becase sometimes I'd shake my hair off the chair and it'd land squarely on their notebooks).

Well, you get used to it. My head does feel lighter now, though.
That's the woes of having thin hair. it gets damaged easily, so you see, thick hair has its advantages too. :)

I don't mind speaking in front of an audience... it's speaking in front of an audience while one or two clipboard-bearing teachers lurk in the background that I hate.
And unfortunately, they have more authority than I do, so there's not much I can do about it (oh, if only I could give them disciplinary sanctions for looking at me ugly... that would be heaven XD).


popkin16 April 18 2009, 00:08:36 UTC
I'm sure they were quite happy they didn't have to duck when your hair went swinging XD

I never really thought about how difficult thin hair must be. It makes sense that it'd be damaged easier, I suppose. There's no perfect type of hair.

You'll do great, I'm sure! You're very intelligent, and you definitely know your English (better than some native English speakers *coughMEcough*). It'll all work out great. (LOL They probably wouldn't think it was so heavently....)


anyjen April 18 2009, 00:30:05 UTC
Were they indeed! Though I think they weren't expecting to have quite so much success... even they must have had fun braiding my hair when a class was suspended and we didn't have anything better to do (there's something about really long hair that makes people want to touch/braid/brush it, for some reason... or chop it all off, in their case XD ( ... )


popkin16 April 18 2009, 04:11:47 UTC
Braiding hair is fun...I imagine more so with long hair *nod* How long did you say your hair was? My imagination keeps making it longer...I'm worried you'll eventually look like Rapunzel.

It's difficult to see the two sides of everything, though. That makes sense though -- people with thick hair usually want thin, and vice versa. It's hard to see the good side of something you don't like, though.

Aw, well you always manage to teach me something new! I'm sure you'll be a great teacher~ I have confidence in you!


anyjen April 18 2009, 05:57:28 UTC
Well, you wouldn't be so far off. My hair had gotten pretty far down my back, almost reaching the place where the back loses its dignified name... (darn it, this sounds a lot funnier in Spanish. XD)

Yeah, it's hard, but once you do, you will find reasons to smile at yourself in the mirror every morning. :)

Thanks!! \o/ *hogs confidence greedily*


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