More mice pictures!

Feb 18, 2009 03:34

Here I am, with more pictures!!  only two this time, but they're better than the last ones.
I also have a video of the babies playing I wanted to show you, but youtube is down for maintenance... so it won't be today. *sigh*

I was finally able to get a decent picture of the whole family! Squashed against the glass are the surviving twenty-one babies (two of the original litters passed away just days after they were born), and playing in the hamster wheel are the proud mommies: Cathy (the spotted one) and Michelle (the brown one).

And this is the best picture of the babies I've been able to take by far. Aren't they cute? :3

On another note, I'm really happy because Brandy is getting better! I caught him nursing happily three times today. He's still too tiny and I'll still have to complement his diet with de-lactosed milk (or however it's called in English) until he gets to a healthy size, but it's great news that he was strong enough to fight his way to a nipple... with some of his siblings nearly twice as big as he is, that's no small feat ...and it's great news for me, too, because I've gotta tell you, it's no fun having to get up every two hours to feed him. It's like having a very, very tiny son... at least I don't have to change diapers. :P
(and it's decided: if he lives to be a month old -and I'm doing everything I can so that happens- I'm going to keep him... even if that means getting him his own cage. When you've had to get up at one, three, five and seven in the morning to bottle-feed a baby mouse that is smaller that your thumb, it's impossible not to get attached. ^^U)
And just an hour ago, I noticed that one of the babies is starting to open his eyes!! Since it's one of the albino ones and the glint of eye that is visible is red, I'm naming that one Akane (which is a very deep red colour in Japanese). X3
(if I'm keeping Brandy, then he is going to need company... so Akane will stay too)

pictures, mice, animals

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