It's rare that I remove someone from my friends list before they remove me.
Just a year shy of a decade since I started using LJ and in that time, I've only done it three times.
This is the first time I've gone public with why. I never felt like I had to before.
Consider yourself permanently removed.
When you first posted your drop over to SBG, I IMed you in hopes you understood that you don't have to like everything about someone to like them and treat them kindly.
I didn't like you as a mod.
You blocked players simply because you didn't like them. You rarely used your mod abilities for anything other then pushing the envelope for you and your group of friends. You acted often without agreement from other mods.
More then that, you made players uncomfortable, something other players had been banned for, yet you got away with for so long because you were a co-founder as if you were a cut above the rest and you hide behind that justification even now. You wern't then, and you certainly not now.
Your behavior since you left has been nothing more then affirmation that I was right in wanting you gone. Most of the players are happier, the chat has been more active then it was all of December and January, and we've had a surprising rush of new blood.
In the short month or so since you dropped out of SBG, we're flourishing.
Yet you continue to bring it up. In the past week you've made more posts about SBG and your removal as mod then any of the existing players on my flist had made in a month.
I ignored them at first. I'd glance them over and not say anything, because nothing would change your mind.
Then you called Essay a bitch. Prism comments and acts like Bret is a dingo with her baby in her jaws.
People who had nothing to do with your removal are being treated like shit.
You can say what you want about me, about Pix, and about anyone else who had a hand in your demodding but dragging bystanders in to your petty agenda doesn't fly with me. You've been nothing but immature about things, to the point where I want nothing to do with you any more.
I'm sorry you're so miserable, Cammi. I'm not sorry you're gone.
I'm leaving this post open and it's comments unscreened in the of chance you and yours have anything left to say. I hope by doing this you can work out the last of any frustration you feel, even if all you do is spam this post with a bunch of
passive-agressive thumb-biting.