Unkindness (Jalex 1/?)

Sep 15, 2012 12:39

Title: Humiliation
Pairing: Jalex
Beta: Spellcheck, till I can find one
Rating: R for cursing
Disclaimer: Cut belongs to All Time Low (from Six Feel Under The Stars) Didn't happen, I made it up, I don't own them, blah blah blah. Enjoy it.
Word Count: 1296
Summary: I had no idea what sort of prank was being pulled, me dancing with Alex? It was insane; I wasn’t nearly good enough for that
P.O.V.: 1st, Jack
A/N: This is my first Jalex, so yeah. I don't currently have a beta but if anyone is interested that would be amazing.

“Sir, are you alright?” the girl behind the counter was looking at me funny, her fake concern hardly masking the extreme boredom associated with working at a fast food joint, “I’m fine, sorry” I had been lost, thinking of my parents, It would be 8 years tomorrow since I last saw them.  She gave me a look again “I was just wondering if you would like fries with that?” I checked in my wallet, briefly considering the consequences of not bringing back fries in opposition to the lack of currency I had with me, “I’ll take three large fries” I decided that an unhappy Joe was too much to deal with today. The girl balked at me, I’m not small, I am skinny, and you can see my hipbones and collarbones prominently, but I have all the lean, strong muscles of a dancer.

The cash register flashed the time; 10:42 I had 3 minutes to get to the meeting. As the girl returned with my chicken pieces and three large fries, I whiped out a ten-dollar bill, shoved it into her hands and ran towards the door “Keep the change!” I tossed back, knowing full well that it only cost approximately 6 dollars.  As I approached the alley I looked around, I saw only a single car driving fast in the opposite direction, and then I slipped in.

The dumpster is not heavy and it slides to the side easily, I stepped into the doorway and pulled the dumpster back to cover it before running down the hallway.  Joe was manning the door, as I assumed he would be.  I handed him the fries and tried to walk past. “Hold up Jack” he said placing a hand on my chest “You know the drill.  Feathers.” I did know the drill; they wanted me to show my back and the feather tattoos that adorn it. Joseph knows I who I am, but he is asking me as a way of humiliation, because of the long scar that ran across my stomach. I sighed and pulled up the back of my shirt displaying the 8 feathers that adorned my shoulder blades.

After being granted admission I made my way to heart of The Nest, quickly shoving through a door and running down The Main Hall, all the way to the end where the giant steal doors sit. I swing them open hesitantly and, quiet as I can, sneaking over to the back of the enormous room where I find Zack, my best friend, sitting on the concrete floor, happily. “What’d I miss?” I ask as I take a seat next to him, look around and seeing that the room is full. “Is everyone here?” I ask him; he nods.  “You bring me fries?” he asks, glancing up at me, his face exploding into an expression of pure glee as I hand him down a carton. I can’t escape a small giggle as I flop down on the floor next to him, watching his eyes close in ecstasy as the first fry passes his lips.

“Now that everyone is here, we may begin.” My full attention snaped to the front of the room as Alex, our leader, steped onto the stage from a shadowed corner. I couldn't help the raspberry blush that spread across my cheeks as I could almost feel people’s eyes shift to me as reference to my lateness is made. “ThrowDown, as you all know is in a month and The Ravens will take nothing less than gold.” Alex threw his fist up to pump up the crowd, a few guys hooted in agreement, including Zack his muscled body lurching forwards slightly.  I smiled to myself, of course we would win, we had been practicing all year, we were perfect.

“Practicing will be doubled” Alex announced “and all routines will be approved by myself personally!” this was a huge surprise; generally Alex sent some of his minions to check out our dances. The rest of the meeting progressed with no other spectacular or noteworthy news; Travis, the pianist’s, hand was better so we could practice with him again, there is a small dance off to be held next week and the cooks are switching to diet regulation food to help keep us in shape.

After the meeting was over there was a mad scramble to get to the cafeteria to see if there was anything non-regulation left before it switched. Zack and I were almost at the door when Collusy and Vinny, two of Alex’s minions, stepped in front of us, blocking our way. “You’re wanted in the Tallons Jack, fourth door on your left” Collusy said, his voice stern and stoic. “Actually Collusy, I think Alex said to bring him there ourselves…” Vinny murmured to his companion, they turned their heads together, whispering, till Vinny looked up scowling slightly. “You,” he jabbed his finger at me “come with us, and you” he jabbed his finger at Zack, “scram!” Zack quickly slunk away.

My escorts didn’t say a word as they walked me down the maze of hallways leading to the Tallons, where all the important people lived and worked. We stopped outside a door and they opened it and shoved me inside. It wasn’t too hard of a push, but I wasn’t expecting it and I flailed a bit before falling onto the floor, bashing my knees on the hardwood flooring, pain shooting through my arms as I braced myself with the palms of my hands.

“Jesus, fuck!” a familiar voice exclaimed, “You boys know I need him, go find someone else to break!” I heard the door swish as Vinny and Collusy exited. Then I stood slowly, coming face to face with a concerned looking Alex, my breathing hitched, partially due to my sudden proximity to the most beautiful man I had ever seen and partially due to the searing pain in my knee.

Alex reached over to grab my arm, steadying me “Are you alright?” He asked, his hazel eyes peering into my soul. I nodded, not trusting my voice to come out steadily. “Alright” he breathed, “I guess I have same explaining to do.” He guided me over to a pair of leather armchairs, “I need you to be my dance partner.” The words came out in a flustered rush, as if he was embarrassed to say them. “Isn’t Matt Flyzik you partner?” I asked hesitantly, I had no idea what sort of prank was being pulled, me dancing with Alex? It was insane; I wasn’t nearly good enough for that.

Alex explained to me that Matt had injured his knee and would not be able to dance for a month or so. “You are one of the few people taller than me, which I enjoy in a dance partner and your dark hair and pale skin will offset my blonde hair and tan.” I had no choice but to agree, I mean, he was my leader. I wasn’t in any position to appose him.

I was given a room in the right wing, along with all the elite Ravens, as I was moving my stuff Zack came out and asked what I was doing, I hastily explained what had happened, he was shocked, “Dude, that’s fucking spectacular!” he then wrapped me into a huge bear hug, “My boy dancing with the big bird!” Zack helped me move the rest of my stuff into my new room. On the last trip I noticed a schedule posted on the back of my door that said I was to be in room 104 in 5 minutes. I told Zack this and he smiled warmly, “Don’t forget about me, you hear?” he said, hugging me once more before heading out the door.

rating:r, pairing:jalex, character:alex, character: joe, character:zack, character:jack, story:unkindness, character:vinny, character:collusy

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