ganked from Here be dragons

Feb 10, 2007 12:08

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: sweets
What needs explaining about that? My whole head is a sweet tooth.
Literary: Love erotica It's a guilt because it is ethnically biased. Sorry but my own people squick me out sexually.Audiovisual: Love music videos Damn waste of time at least it is the way I watch them.
Musical: hmmm... not sure about this one. Not a big fan of most R&B. Too much corny talking to the person when they should be singing."hey baby..."
Celebrity: Totally in love with the image of... Jaye Davidson. God the things I could tie his little uke ass to. *sigh*

Now I tag:-

Anyone who wants to take the challenge

to complete this same Quiz, Its HERE.


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