shallow stuff

Nov 22, 2009 02:39

This is going to be a pretty shallow/girly post.

Since I haven't done it in a while...
  • sweets! (esp. macaroons and cupcakes)
  • Tsumori Chisato for Shu Uemura (planet ribbon palette!)
  • new VS Arashi game: Giant Crash!
  • old-looking new tshirts
  • tea!
  • yellow nail polish
I didn't drink tea for two days (I drink way too much tea everyday) and I was tired pretty much the whole time. Last night I had a cup and it was so nice~
My roommate and I went on a sort of sweets-spree and bought cupcakes from a new shop. And cream puffs from Beard Papa. Then I bought a little box of macaroons to take home for Thanksgiving. Cavities~ (rofl reading this sounds disgusting)

I also picked up Tsumori Chisato for Shu Uemura's planet cat palette! What kind of makeup do you guys like?

I don't really do a lot of color makeup (ever), so I thought maybe I'd try? It's the first time I've bought a nice brand palette of anything (I'm still not sure how I feel about spending a lot of money on makeup though. It's nice, but on the other hand it's just makeup..). Usually I just buy nice foundation. Hopefully I'll be using this a lot..

I think I'm going to get a short/boyish haircut soon. Pulling it off scares me but I've always wanted to do it. Actually doing it though... it never really appealed to me that much until right now. It's something I want to do at least once in my life, so I might as well do it while it's still fairly short. No big loss right? Except I hate waiting for it to grow out (I can't even stand waiting for bob haircuts to grow out...)
Here's the idea:

(model is Tao Okamoto)
Hopefully if/when I do it it won't come out too little asian boy bowlcut-y, though I don't expect to look like Tao at all either. Either way.. I'm still excited!

and since I've gone off on shallow stuff already...
I think these leggings are adorable! Except now I connect striped leggings with Arashi in my head -_-;;
(and no... Nino wasn't even wearing cool kicks.)

uhhh.. yeah. But the leggings are still on my 'want' list.

mmm... and I'm still on an Arashi kick. I finally put Dream 'A' Live on my itunes and listened to a few. 'Once Again' is my favorite (cowboy!?), but surprisingly I liked 'Life Goes On' too. I wish it had more keyboard. I'd like to hear it with a more house sound. I'd die laughing and play it forever.

photos, music, shopping, food, hair, model, life

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