
Oct 17, 2009 11:20

When I came home the weather suddenly turned really bad. I got sick, but I'm feeling better now.

I went to see the first showing of Where the Wild Things are and it was great... up until the film stopped about 10 minutes or so before the end. Everyone got readmission tickets for another time, but I haven't seen the end yet.
It probably won't be my favorite movie, but it was (up until the almost end) definitely worth watching, even if you only watch it for the way they did it. The wild things are pretty crazy. It's hard to tell what part of their facial expressions are puppetry or CG (well, I can't tell). I think the only thing that sort of bothered me was how it felt music video-y at some parts. But maybe thats just what happens when you listen to the soundtrack before you see the movie.
...And now I'm really curious about Eggers' book. But I feel like I should read one of his own original books before The Wild Things. It just seems like the right thing to do.

Besides all that... lately I've been playing video games like a big fat nerd (Kingdom Hearts 358/2, mostly). And actually watching tv. Not a lot.. but I've seen one or two shows. I forgot how it felt to watch tv sort of. hah..
I've also been pretty thoroughly pulled into Arashi fandom. If I end up watching My Girl (good chance) I think that pretty much proves it seeing as I'm not extremely interested in the plot, and I haven't really been a fan of Aiba ever. If not... perhaps I'll revisit being an Oguri Shun fan and watch Tokyo Dogs. These past few months I remembered why I liked Japanese dramas.

Long and boring. All my pretty pictures are on my laptop at my apartment. Sorry~
Wait, because it's useful and hello kitty (and makes me hate American cell phones):


uhhh.. hello kitty solar power phone charger?!
photos from 8tokyo (pretty much a cute blog of stuff you want)

Sorry. This shit was way random.

p.s. Jonathan Safran Foer definitely is my new favorite author. ♥

blogs, movies, music, dramas, tv, books, life

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