the circle of life~

Jun 23, 2009 03:52

catching up...
  • The Lion King (musical) <3
  • handmade cards
  • computer games
  • matryoshka dolls (:
  • seeing old friends
  • watching Grey's Anatomy (completely out of order)
  • Sandra Oh (from Grey's)
  • reading Korean (I can do it! except sometimes I'm a little dyslexic..)
  • ...did I mention The Lion King musical?


So, uh, I saw the musical a few days ago and I'm not even really into the Disney movie, but I'm still not over the costumes/puppets (the giraffes blew my mind, as did everything else). And the woman who played Rafiki could make African clicks (I don't even know what it's called). 
And being lame like I am... the "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" segment's costumes sort of reminded me of Henrik Vibskov's Quinny line. D8

Anyway... tomorrow (today) my mom, sister, and I are going to see Up. It'll be my second time seeing it (it's a good movie!) and my mom's first. She's really excited about it.

And just because I still can't wait for it...

EDIT: HAH! I found a photo of it!

I could have sworn he made a red penguin sleeping bag/bodysuit. But anyway. That's the general idea. /lame
Shit, sorry this post sort of looks like hell. LOL.

musical, languages, movies, fashion, tv, life

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