I'm at home

Jun 08, 2009 22:48

Roomie and I are on good terms now. And I decided to label everything in the apartment in Korean (or I will when I go back).
Came home today and I feel like someone threw me into a dehydrator. My eyes are dry as hell (fucking contacts) and no matter how much I drink it doesn't help. That's pretty much the only reason I hate coming home.


Anyway. I've always been sort of a tomboy, but lately I like some more girly things (flowers and bows?). I don't really wear bows... ever. But I did buy those shoes.
(wakiwaki, I blame you for the shoes a little bit)

My bangs need to be cut.

Oh, and I found these somewhere online and really like them. Especially the first one.


languages, shopping, design, shoes, hair, life

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