hangul and new favorite

May 14, 2009 04:40

After hella years (what, like 9?) of listening to Korean music and having all of it labeled in hangul (courtesy of my sister) I think I've finally decided to at least learn to read/write. I know about half of it from just having the songs labeled on itunes so I figure I can spare a little brainpower on it. 
The thing with actually learning the language is that once it becomes 'serious'/useful I might lose interest (I like to do it because it's fun right now, like trying to read/write things for shits). But I guess what bad can come from learning to read a language? Maybe I'll even learn the keyboard...
(I'm even forgetting some katakana though. And if only I could just decide to casually learn kanji for fun...)

So this isn't so boring (?)...


New favorite model? Liu Wen.

acquaintances? friends?

languages, model

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