Recently.. not 'fierce'

May 06, 2009 16:32

  • coconut juice (again)
  • avocados (on my salads)
  • not-asian movies
  • seeing people in the pm/early am
  • long hair on guys
  • funny .gifs
  • short films (like a few minutes short)
  • TVXQ
Seriously can't find anyone to go see Epik with me. I'm a little surprised my roommate isn't interested. Then on the other hand, I'm not. It's becoming one of those things where little things like her stating we need toilet paper (as an insinuation that I should go buy it) bother me.

I saw a guy at a bar that seriously reminded me of MYK though. I was sad he left. D:

Anyway, the other day I watched In Bruges and ended up really liking it, especially the ending scenes. I didn't expect much going in, so I was pleasantly surprised. I also rewatched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and remembered why I loved it so much the first time I saw it. And last night a couple friends and I watched Last Friends for like 5 hours. And then my friend and I talked about school and careers and life and I feel better. Really. Sort of.

PS: I'm sick of the word 'fierce'. A LOT.


"世界は black and white.. 光と闇が south and north like..."
(I can't get this line out of my head.)
(I need to find other models I like. D:)

movies, music, model, life

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