Blah!~ I hate waiting!
I sold my Unoa from the preorder (my second Unoa, I do still have Tink, my Winking Lusis) and ordered my If from Luts and I have been waiting exactly one week today and it seems like I've been waiting FOREVER! *sigh* Anywho, I probably should have ordered a Soony since Soony is what I had my heart set on, but, I looked at the pics of If and I kept going back and forth between the two until I caved and ordered If. XD *bounces* Of course, they have the event going on right now so I am going to have to wait double the time I would normally have to. :headdesk: But on the positive side, I will be getting a free doll head. I hope they send me the type B head I requested.
Well, my b-day is coming up! I'm going to be 26. Aaaand I still live with my parents. -_- That makes me feel like a real loser. I really wish the cost of living in CT wasn't so damn high. I mean, you can pay a MORTGAGE payment with what it costs to pay one month to live in an apartment. And thats in a somewhat decent city. Yeah, I could get an apartment in Hartford where its cheaper, but, that's not a city I want to be living in, most of Hartford is WAY BAD in terms of crime. I don't really want to live with a roomate either because I have a hard time trusting people. =o( I could live with my BF but, he even said he dosn't want me to move in with him until he can find a better place to live since the area he lives in isn't too nice either (LOTS of crime, he's had his car stolen). *sigh* I feel so trapped. I don't want to live in the slums where its not safe to live, but I also don't want to keep living with my parents so my Mom can constantly be opening my mail, invading my privacy, yelling at me because I don't do enough around the house and, when I do do more, I get yelled at becaue I don't do it right!! No matter what I do, its never enough!! Really, she makes me so damn mad sometimes. And then there's my Dad with his drinking. I mean, he is really a nice person and I get along with him great when he hasn't been drinking, which is hardly ever, but once he's had a few beers, he gets really verbally abusive. And I wonder why I have depression.
I really, really am going to try to make 2008 a better year. I hope that by the end of the year, I have a decent paying job and my own place to live. I hope I can do it. SO, If is going to be my last bjd for a looooong time, so I can concentrate on saving up. I've REALLY got to cut back on the spending.
I don't have any new pics of my girls at the moment, but, here's a pic of If because she's so pretty and I can't wait for her to get here ;_;