Aug 30, 2007 21:44
My oh my. God do I HATE hackers!!! >=( Hackers have hijacked my e-mail account, princessofkinmokuATyahooDOTcom. They changed my password on me and I can no longer log into my account. I am really infuriated by this, I have had to change all of my personal info and to make a long story short, yahoo cannot help me, so I am shit out of luck. >=( So that person is out there, probably impersonating me and there's nothing I can do about it. D= Grrrr.....
Anywho, I've got a Supia Yan on layaway. I've sold Carol, because I have made the VERY hard decision of starting to collect only minis and I am keeping one big girl, so Emma's staying. It was such a hard decision to make, though. I sold her on layaway, so, I am making payments on my Yan as the buyer for Carol makes payments. Her name is going to be Beck, I'm nameing all my minis after the Disney Fairies. ^_~ I LOVE the new Disney Fairies line. Tinkerbell was always my fave Disney character, but creating more fairies = love. XD Anywho, after I finish paying for Yan, I'm either going to save up for a body for Rani, my L-bi girl, or bring home Bess, a Minifee Lishe. I still MIGHT buy a BW Moon to be Data (from Star Trek. Yes, I'm a Star Trek geek. XD) my favorite character evar, from any show, seriously, I love him. My poor Emma looks lonely and I think she could use a bf. ^_~ Yes, I know Data has no emotions, but he could, you know, be Data from the movies where he has the emotion chip installed. ^_^
So, anywho. I CAN'T WAIT FOR BECK AND TINK TO GET HERE!!! *ahem* Sorry for that outburst, the anticipation is killing me. ^^;
In other news, my friend is being, well, very unfair right now. Its a long story, but basically, I'm a taxi cab to her and I was getting tired of it and spoke up and now she's giving me the silent treatment. I just makes me really upset that she dosn't seem to understand my point of view. Whatever.
Well, playing with my dolls always seems to cheer me up, so, I'm going to do a photoshoot with Emma. Expect a photospam. >=D