From Twitter, Tuesday, 1-29-2013

Jan 30, 2013 04:00

4:59 PM - Made a bracelet to cheer myself up, then made another as it was therapeutic. Heart one going on Etsy later I think

5:00 PM - Needed cheering up as I heard from my neighbour in Sweden that one of the kittens got hit by a car and killed. Feeling very sad for Racerbil

5:03 PM - @LinzArcher: Bryan: "Steampunk is what happens when goths discover the color brown."

6:46 PM - @f0rcryin0utl0ud: Justice for Aaron- Time for Obama to respond: Fire Carmen Ortiz already!… via @demandprogress

7:10 PM - Virtual objects for the visually impaired at Manchester Museum. Bloody brilliant. Well done @Henshaws…

7:33 PM - Along with news about the cat, my old neighbour has had it confirmed she probably did see a wolf last October. There's 3 in the county

8:57 PM - @OmarSeaShepherd: Breaking News Sea Shepherd Has Intercepted the Whale Poachers Before a Single Whale is Killed…

10:57 PM - The Following. Bloody hell

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