(no subject)

Mar 16, 2002 04:52

I am so tired lately. Wait! maybe that is not it.
I guess some of the other people who work my shift do not eat lunch on their break, nor eat lunch like i do. also they can get by on a lot less sleep than what i need.
My appetite is a bit off lately, usually eat a really good breakfast, and then do not eat til 8pm.Today I skipped dinner, and just had some fries, baked in the toaster oven.

Not much of anything sems to cheer me up, and i have noticed an increased amount of irritablity.
The department head of my work has her head firmly planted in some kind of cloud. She wants days, to negotiate with midnights regarding the get-up list,
Days was just like "fuck off"

My boss, Yahweh love her, keepe poohpoohing whatever snarky remarks i may make. I am so funny, i do not really mean THAAT, but you are so niiiice.

I am melancholy, and have been neglecting my art, i have to wait for fucking ever to get my sister to give me back my colored pencils, the cheap little punk bastard asshat.

not happy, work sucks

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