tagged quiz from merteuilp

Feb 20, 2011 02:01

A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
B) Tag eight people.
citygirl503 ...tag!

1. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up: 1) SUE the T.REX coffee mug from the Field Museum of Chicago 2) Sharpie permanent marker 3) Can of Diet Mountain Dew 4) spindle with CD-Rs 5) baggie with M&Ms

2. How do you style your hair? I wear it curly, with a side part. Sometimes I clip it up like a french twist but my hair's not quite long enough

3. What are you wearing now? Blue jeans, moccasin slippers and an old black tshirt

4. What's your occupation? pharmacy technician, filling out job applications

5. What do you hear right now? Tim Finn: Salt to The Sea on my mp3 player

6. Who was the last person you hugged? Want another hug from..? My niece and nephew. I would have liked to been hugged by my friend Stephen in Florida but i didn't get to see him when i was in FL.

7. What was/is for dinner? Just a sandwich. Had some popcorn while typing this.

8. What did you do today? Took the trash out, scooped one litterbox and scrubbed another litterbox, ran the dishwasher, checked the mail charged my mp3 player, walked to the store, took the recycling out and NOW i am goofing off online

9. Instead of a question: I'd just like to say that while i have lots of friends on facebook and livejournal, i feel lonely more often than not.

10. What tabs do you have open now on your browser ? Facebook, Straight Dope, Chevelle Online, Rude Pundit, MSNBC, Livejournal

11. What was the last thing you bought? a cheeseburger, and brownie mix

12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I'd like to see Australia and New Zealand, tour Europe like backpackers do, see Rome, and Greece and Finland. I'd also like to see some South Pacific Islands and Hawaii

13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Working and in a long term relationship

14. Where's your birthmark? one betweeen my breasts and another at the collarbone

15. What are you doing this weekend? I bought some brownie mix and don't know what i'm doing Sunday... my life is boring as shit

16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play? I don't play anything now and want to play guitar and drums

17. How are you? I have no serious complaints, but i would like to get a job. And I'd like to be having more sex.

18. How much do you get paid? Bupkis

19. What's the last thing you have regretted? Smashing a hole in the bathroom wall out of sheer aggravtion.

internet life, random quizzes

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