Sep 19, 2009 03:24
I should just buy the dvds of Grey's Anatomy.
Having said that, if you as a website manager, are going to have streaming video of the episodes, i'd like to be able to watch a couple of episodes from the second season without getting a fuckton of spam for the cellphone i don't fucking have.
I'd be willing to register as a user, but i think it's a really motherfucking bad idea for me to download Itunes onto my four year old Dell that's acting batshit with an extra portion of eye of newt crazy.
I've seen all the episodes from the last season, because i tivoed them, you dumb cow, and i watched them twice. Yeah, i know i'm pathetic, whatthefuckever, but fuck you, fuck your shittastic website, fuck it all i'm done... And i'll buy dvds and never darken the door of your pathetic website again.