Homeless man

Oct 12, 2008 05:19

There is an older black man that i always see bumming change from people, and while i usually have some change to give him, he's never been nasty about it. He has a soft voice and most of the time i feel sorry for him.

I don't always like giving him money, because as a student and part time worker, i don't have a lot of spare money.

I offered him a granola bar once but he wouldn't take it. I do sometimes wonder if i gave him some other foods, something ready to eat and/or nonperishable, if he'd take the food i'd buy.

I've a feeling that he has SOMEPLACE to crash because he doesn't smell and has a change of clothes. I think the reason i sometimes don't like to give him money, would be that he might buy drugs with it. I usually feel guilty after thiniking this

I don't know what i'd do if i was in his shoes.

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