Leftover wine.

May 18, 2006 20:14

Does wine go bad if it doesn't get drunk within a few days of opening? Even when you put the cork back on?

Since I'm a woman who dislikes wasting stuff, I am trying to make inroads in my leftover wine tonight.

I think this is the first time ever that I'm doing tipsy-posting. I don't get drunk enough to actually get wild and all.

I'm trying to type carefully, though.

It's time for secrets to come out! Oops.

A friend once asked me why I still drink even though I'm allergic/it's not good for me. I've thought about it long and hard. I think it's because if I ever decide to move to Europe someday, I'd better make sure I don't embarrass myself. Wine is like water there, they drink it all the time.

I like someone but I'll never tell him. I'm too chicken. I think I've never been brokenhearted because I've never really laid myself down the line and told someone, "I really like you. In fact, I think I could be falling for you. You don't have to say anything or do anything about it. I just think I love you and knowing that you exist somewhere in this world makes me happy. Even though it hurts that you may not love me back. It's just a pure kind of love where I feel happy when you're happy. The End."

(Whoa, I should stop drinking now.)
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