Title: Duel Academy Musical
Rating: T
Genre: Humor/Romance
Fandom: Yugioh GX
Pairing(s): Judai(Jaden)/Johan(Jesse), onesided-Asuka(Alexis)/Judai(Jaden), Jim/Kenzan(Hassleberry), onesided-Edo(Astor)/Judai(Jaden), Ryo(Zane)/Edo(Astor), Fubuki(Atticus)/Manjyoume(Chazz), Junko(Jasmine)/Sadie, Daichi(Bastion)/Momoe(Mindy), Sho(Syrus)/Asuka(Alexis)
Summary: Johan Anderson moves to a new school and gets caught up in sibling rivalries, popularity battles, auditions for the school musical, and an interesting new romance. With random musical interludes in-between.
A/N: Multi-chapter. Alternate Universe. Work-in-Progress. Loose parody of High School Musical. Very loose.
Songs Sung in This Chapter: none
"And there he is!"
Judai stepped off the ship and found himself being swarmed by half the student body.
"The champ himself!" Tyranno Kenzan hollered, shoving his way to the brunette's side. 'Welcome back, sarge!"
"Hey, Kenzan!" Judai turned to smile at one of his best friends. "Did you have a good winter break?"
"Same ole, same ole," Kenzan replied with a shrug. "What about-"
"Aniki!" Sho Marufuji yelled, running up to hug Judai while Kenzan rolled his eyes. "You came back!"
"Of course I did, Sho," Judai replied, a perplexed look on his face. "Why wouldn't I?"
"Well, Manjoume said-"
"And you listened?" Kenzan interrupted with a snort. Sho grimaced.
"Good point."
"And this," Jim Cook stated, gesturing around the campus, "is Dual Academy. Where you will spend the rest of your school career dodging flying monkeys and trying NOT to be sacrificed to a pagan god."
Johan laughed, silently wondering if he should get back on the boat and beg his parents to let him move back to North Academy.
"Choose your friends wisely, mate," Jim said, patting his shoulder. "Ya never know which fluzi'll attempt to steal your soul while ya sleep."
"I'll remember that," Johan replied, eying the crowded campus warily. Jim grinned, tugging on his arm.
"Don't worry, mate," he assured. "I'll protect you. Now, come 'n meet Karen!"
"Your girlfriend?" Johan asked hesitantly.
"Nah, mate, she's my crocodile."
The bell rang and everyone hurried to their classrooms. Johan was suddenly thankful for Jim (despite the pet crocodile and general conspiracy-theoriness), as the Australian wordlessly dragged him to the right class.
Johan sat in the back with a relieved sigh and began to organize his things while Jim moved to chat with a girl with blond hair. The last few stragglers were just taking their seats when the teacher swept in.
"Being captain of the Dueling Squad does NOT forgive tardiness, Mr. Yuki, he stated in a prim voice.
"Well, you see, sir," a vaguely familiar voice began. "I was rounding the corner when this bat-monkey-thing jumped out and-"
"Whatever, Yuki," Dr. Chronos muttered. "Just please take your seat."
Johan craned his head trying to see around the people in front of him, and almost fell over in his effort.
"Now, class, before we begin, I would like to remind you all that auditions for the Spring Musical will be this Friday during free period. Any who are interested need to report promptly to the auditorium at that time. Also-"
Johan and several others jumped as a loud chiming noise began to play throughout the room. He shot an accusing look down at his book bag.
"Ah, yes," Dr. Chronos said, reaching behind his desk to pull out a basket. "The cellphone menace returns." He began to circuit the room. "That's detention for you, Mr. Phoenix, and you as well, Mr. Manjoume."
Johan stared at the picture on his cellphone screen in shock, before quickly turning it off and giving it to teacher.
"I know you are new, Mr. Andersen, but that is no excuse," Dr, Chronos said.
"Sorry, sir," Johan meekly replied, but the teacher had already turned his attention to another source.
"Ah, yes, Mr. Yuki," Johan glanced up to see a familiar brunette dropping his own cell into the proffered basket, "I might've known YOU'D be involved in this fiasco."
"You got me, sir," Judai agreed, turning around to wave back at Johan with a grin. The blue-haired boy smiled and returned the gesture.
"But, teach!" Kenzan exclaimed. "That's when we have practice!"
"Which it seems you'll be missing as well, Mr. Kenzan."
"Aw, damn it."
"Some people just don't know when to keep their traps shut," Jim muttered. He pulled a phone out of his pocket and waved it over his head. "Hey! I wanna detention too, sir!"
Dr. Chronos rolled his eyes, but held out the basket. As he began class, Johan leaned toward Jim.
"You didn't have to do that," he whispered. Jim grinned.
"Somebodies gotta keep ya from being abducted by aliens."
Judai paced outside the classroom, trying not to appear as nervous as he felt. He was calm, cool, and collected. He did NOT get nervous over-
Somebody tapped his shoulder, causing him to jump in surprise. Judai turned to see the blue-haired boy from the New Year's party giving him a smile.
"So, how are you?" Johan asked. Judai grinned and rocked back onto his heels.
'Pretty good," he replied. "I didn't know you went to the same school as me."
"Me either. I just transferred from North Academy."
The two began to make their way down the hall, but were forced to stop as a boy with silver-white hair blocked their path.
"Hel-lo, Judai!" he greeted. "How was your break?"
"Good," Judai replied, taking a nervous step back. "And you, Edo?"
"Oh, it was simply MARVELOUS!" Edo Pheonix exclaimed, coming to walk beside them. "I'm so glad you asked..."
He began a monologue of his extravagant winter vacation, while Judai pretended to be interested. Johan tuned him out and focused on the more quiet boy who now walked on his other side.
"Hello," Johan said. The black-haired boy nodded.
"Yeah, sorry about him," he replied, pointing at Edo. "He likes to hear himself talk."
"I noticed. I'm Johan Andersen." Johan greeted, holding out his hand.
"Jun Manjoume." Manjoume replied, staring at the offered appendage. "Don't take this personally, but I don't like to be touched."
"Oh!" Johan jerked his hand back to his side. "Sorry."
"It's cool. Excuse me," Manjoume bypassed Judai to grab Edo's arm and drag him away, ignoring the screams of protest. Judai cheerfully waved good-bye and Johan began to wonder where Jim had gotten too.
It was times like these that Jim desperately wished for earlpugs. He was currently stuck between Sho and Kenzan, who were fighting over where Judai could've gotten to. Of course, Jim had seen the dueling champ walk off with his new mate, but he didn't feel like informing either of them of this fact, opting to allow for some alone time.
Besides, Kenzan and Sho's arguments were too amusing to pass up the golden opportunity of having a front row viewing of one.
Except that they were so loud...
"Jim agrees with me!" Sho cried, stabbing a finger at the amused third party. "Dontcha Jim?"
"No! He's on MY side!" Kenzan yelled, grabbing Jim's arm. "Aintcha, soldier?"
And so, they began to fight over Jim, who was thinking that, in another context, this might not have been so bad. But with Kenzan tugging one of his arms, and Sho latched onto his leg, Jim was really beginning to wonder if he was going to make it to his next class in one piece.