Anny is Here!
I'm back at school> Main reason why I've not had time to breath or even update my LiveJournal...
Yeah, I also can blame Stephenie Meyer because I FELL IN LOVE with her TWILIGHT SERIES!
It was scary (I should admit) I bought on Saturday "Twilight" (still don't know why) and I begin to read it the same day, but I began and couldn't stop! I slept at 5 a.m and I almost finished the book! The next day I bought "New Moon" & "Eclipse" and just couldn't sleep well because I was starting school on Monday! Anyway, I finished reading them all three on Tuesday and I JUST LOVED IT.
Some things while I was reading:
- I LOVE Edward Cullen.
- I cried SO MUCH in New Moon that when I went to school I had frog-eyes and everybody was asking what happened to me. I didn't know what to say because it had only happened to me once when Sirius died.
- I DON'T LIKE Jacob Black.
- I was going to KILL Bella if she picked Jacob instead of EDWARD!
- I want to have a Heart Diamond
- I want SO BADLY to read Breaking Dawn (I'll have to wait still October)
- I want to KILL the st*pid person who leaked Midnight Sun.
P.S. Thank you for my icons to moveitslow