A story about good timing defeating the evils of writer's block

Jan 10, 2019 12:37

Plan A for this month was to record a podfic.

Oh really? Says Muse. Here. Have this distracting plotbunny!

Okay, Plan B. We can write the plotbunny, but you have to finish it.

Oh really? Says Muse. That sounds like hard work. I'm taking your motivation.

But if I made it a casual thing, you'd wander off half-way through!

Your point?

Okay. Plan B+1, we can post episodically and I will feed you with people's feedback so you can keep motivation alive.

But who wants to read a WIP?

A good point.

I ask if anyone would, but in the course of asking discover the Snarry-at-thon is not that far away.

Oh, reeeeally... says Muse. Guess I can just kick back until the prompt post. No effort for me!

But we're in the middle of a bloody story! It's good, too, I can tell! What about all the plans we made? The exciting finale? The feels?! Can't we just --


But then, plot twist! Fate decides to stick her nose in, and one of my HP Facebook groups launches a podfic competition that ends in Feb.

Muse perks up, and Plan A is back on!

So yes, I went back to the podfic plan. I decided to read Biology Lessons, an ooooold Drarry of mine, because the FB group is pretty heavy on the Drarry shippers and I would like to win the competition plz. But I SERIOUSLY LOVED doing it. It was such a delight to realise that a thing I thought I was bad at, I am a bit bad at, but not as bad as I thought, and I might not be bad at in future, if I actually practice. I borrowed a friend's mic, but now I'm going to buy my own and do some of the amazing Snarry suggestions from my previous post. I even started to read a different fic with McG in it, and with the help of YouTube I actually tried a Scottish accent, and it was even good occasionally and I realised it could get much, much better if I practised.

So I am happy, Muse is happy, and I'll be uploading my first podfic in a couple weeks when I actually have an evening free to do the encoding and make some cover art. Yay!
X-posted from DW.
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