Feb 02, 2009 16:10

I haven't slept for about 24 hours now. But who cares when there is SNOW! Yay! Me and Lukey sat in Starbucks with hot tea then we went to the park. It was snowing and it was pretty and I demanded we make a snowman. There were also cute asians making a snowman and they got more attention because, well, cute and asian. And because my snowman is sad. If you look at him from a lower angle he is an angry punk, though.


I also made a snow angel. Now I am wrapped up in bed with a headache that feels like brainfreeze but it's mostly tired-induced.

There was snow on the beach, too, which is awesome, and I have seen lots of snowball fights and snowmen. You may think I am a touch overexcited, but you see, back home in Devon we almost never get snow, except on Dartmoor. It's warm and wet, unlike the rest of the country (which is cold and wet. Of course, you don't notice until you move away that Devon actually is warmer than everywhere else.)

Apparently Portsmouth is on orange weather alert, but a smidge further up the country they are on RED and the trains are stopped. My friend is stuck in Wantage with her boyfriend, but I daresay she doesn't mind terribly. Tres exciting.

On a side note, MOAR THINGS I DUN WROTE:

Biology Lessons, Harry/Draco PWP, 2500 words.


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