Dec 06, 2005 09:51
Here's the deal with Linda's dad; this may be his last Christmas.
He has a tumor on the side of his face that has been confermed as cancer, so far he has skin cancer and something that may be from colon or lung cancer.
No one's told Linda, mostly because she worries about him a lot and is stressed, but if he does have something worse than skin he may not make it. His body is starting to fail him and he may not heal from an opperation, not to mention other forms of treatment (chemo and radiation) kill everything; good and bad.
We're going to have the skin cancer removed and the other looked into and hope it's nothing, but it may be something bad.
He feels constipated a lot and can't control his bowels as well, but he does go rather regulary, which is a sign of a problem in the colon. That will be looked into at his next docotor visit.
His mind is failing him more now than ever, he thinks the house is a company that he works at and wants to know when he get's paid. He thinks that any money he has on him when he dies he gets to keep, that you go to the hospital to die and when you do you join the Government.
He goes up the stairs to find the bathroom that's next to his room, or goes outside, or in the kitchen, or tries to go out the french doors in the living room...
He can't remember Linda's name sometimes, and more often than not refers to her as "That Lady that I catch hell from" (I can't really blame him for that)
Linda's not very diplomatic about his memory and mind; my grandfather and I will tell him ten times in a day that he lives here and it's not a house, she'll get annoyed and yell something like "you can't even remember where you are, that's exactacally why you can't drive!" He's just aging, you don't need to stress him.
He remembers more and more of the war, or atleast he tells me more about it. He never mentions killing but remembers firing a gun and sweeping a city.
Sofia is "That little one who takes me to the table", every time their over and dinner is ready she takes him by the hand and leads him to his place at the table.
That's what's going on with Linda's dad. He's really a nice old man, but it's common with people his age who were married as long as he was to have something go wrong after your spouce dies.
That's it for that.