Originally posted @
http://scruffy-duck.netWe had two prompts come up at our poetry group meeting last week. The supernatural and salt. I decided to combine the two.
Supernatural Salted Crisps
Starved, I stepped inside
the little dark newsagents.
Greeted, I was by
the little green man.
I did a double-take, and he just smiled,
so I dipped my head and looked around.
Slugs, snails, and Labrador tails,
magazines from Mars, and written by cats,
witches brews, and cans of diet horse snot,
I spied, with relief, a packet of salted crisps
and parted with my change when he spoke;
“Careful,” he said, voice a low hiss,
“Terribly salty, you’ll need a drink.
Perhaps some of this cows urine.”
Pretended, I did, to
consider his offer.
Politely, I refused
and smiled back.
Stepped back out into the sunshine,
opened up my salted crisps.
I wish, I had, perused the packet earlier,
before stuffing the crisps into my mouth
to satiate my hunger.
I felt the thirst, the green shopkeeper mentioned,
considered getting drink of water
when my skin suddenly became tauter,
and tighter, and with one last crisp,
I lost all my moisture.
Dust, I became,
and nothing more,
Cursed the crisps,
as the wind lifted me
from the floor.