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Here in Aberystwyth, I’m quite lucky. For many reasons, I know, but I mean specifically sunbathing spots. We’ve got a couple of parks, and a long beach and promenade, plus the Castle is mostly ruins on grass, we have Constitution hill, lots of places to sit in the sun and sensibly slather on the sun cream.
I lived in Leicester for a long time, and I feel like things are a little different in the city when it comes to sunbathing. A lot of people stick to their gardens, but not everyone has gardens. Or gardens that catch the sun (ours didn’t), the parks were a bit of a trek away, so finding sunbathing spots became a bit of a skill. And you sat wherever you could really, whenever you had the time.
I thought of this because I was crossing the mill street car-park here, and there is a little patch of grass just sitting in the middle of it all, and my first thought was that it would make a great little sunbathing spot. Even in the middle of all the cars.
I’ve seen people sunbathe on the strangest places, just cause there is a patch of grass there, and the sun hits it. You tend not to care, cause, well, it’s nice to get some sun, especially in Leicester, cause, well it’s horrible place when it rains. Or is dull. Or cloudy. Or anything but blazing hot. Unless it’s blazing hot and you’re in work or on a bus.
We used to sit in the front doorway of our house. The sun hit the front of the house, and we’d leave the front door open, let the sun stream in and sit on the doorstep.
Having said all this, I think it’s time I went and got some sun and fresh air, instead of sitting here inside, watching the sunshine out of my window.