Originally posted @
http://scruffy-duck.netLast Monday (not yesterday, last week) was I-Day. A bit like D-Day, but with insects.
As you may recall (or not) I have a lot of insects crawling aorund my bathroom, or at least I had a lot of insects crawling around my bathroom. Woolice mostly, couple of spiders (again, I know, technically not spiders, but still creepy and crawly).
I moved Frank, he’s outside somewhere, living it up (hopefully) away from the ant killer powder I placed around the flat.
I bought some fine quality ant killing powder from Poundland. It said it killed Woodlice on the back, and it doesn’t need to be special, just poisonous. It’s around the edges of my bathroom, and outside my flat too, where they can get in, and a couple of other places they’ve been hiding. It does mean that the hamster can no longer leave the living room when she’s in her ball, but she’ll manage I’m sure.
The death toll so far, in the bathroom, is eight woodlice in the bathroom, two spiders (one that was smaller, but just as scary looking as
this one), that I didn’t know were also living in the hole where Frank lived. Outside the bathroom, there are another eight in various places (sorry, there were another eight, I’ve cleaned them up, I’ve not just left dead woodlice all over the place). Outside, there are much more. Now, I know, the insects have a right to be outside my flat, on my little patio area, but I spread the powder around the edges where they can get into the flat, like the container said.
The death toll outside, is high, and I feel slightly guilty.
Or I did until I saw one alive and well walking across my bathroom floor.
The thing about the poison was, that it’s sorted my problem out, and I’m hoping that once I clear up the powder in the room, it’ll be permanent. I had my nephew over to stay on Saturday night, and had to explain the powder to him, and tell him not to touch him. Which then led to a long conversation about poison, because he’s making some poison himself.
At this point I should say that he’s not a homicidal six-year-old, he’s a normal six-year-old with a bucket full or muddy rainwater and leaves that he calls poison. He’s going to give it to the kid at his old school that was bullying him.
Anyway, every trip to the toilet there was a question about poison, and he was dancing around the place like it was covered in lava, rather than there being a bit of powder around the edge of the room, and behind the toilet where he can’t even get to.
Anyway, the insects are gone, the spiders too. Except of Alfred and Celia, the cellar spiders who live in the upper corner of my living room have moved. I don’t mind them being there if I can see them, but they’re not there and it worried me a little. Especially as Celia is a bit big…